Yes...suddenly we have a three dog night. As you look at the picture above, you probably think that Denny's training has taken alot out of him. Look is actually Sierra, Betsy's dog, having much more success getting Denny's bed away from MacKenzie. They both look exhausted from their trials.
The most fun was last night...when all of this was new to everyone. Henry had a hard time letting the dogs settle into their own rhythm bedwise.
I got in bed and as I turned off the light I said, Isn't that funny...Mackie is on Denny's bed, Denny is on Sierra's bed, and Sierra is on Mackie's bed. I smile and sink down under our very heavy comforter.
The light pops back on...and Henry says I do not think so. With that, he gets up and attempts (I do say attempt) to lift Mackie off Denny's bed and shove her into her own bed basket. Grabbing all the dog's and assorting them to their correct beds.
Bottom line...when I got up this morning they were all where they began the night.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Yesterday was Henry's birthday!!! He was 66.
We went to Kemo Sabe for dinner. Always one of our favorites...made us think of Clifford.
Henry and I...
Betsy and Bob...
Henry had the usual Fish Stew.I had the "Anasazi Ravioli"
All in all it was a lovely night. We talked about exactly how many years we had been having first birthday with everyone was when Betsy was time flies.Sunday, March 22, 2009
Yes, you know of whom I speak...and his name is Henry. It has long been a family joke that Henry has some weird force around him that negates anything electronic.
We have an electronic "hand-me-down" you were back the youngest of 23 children. I find it ironic, that I will be in the Apple store getting "my" MacBook fixed. The MacBook that was Cliff's until he got a MacBook Pro. Then it became mine. The nice little Apple Genius guy wearing a t-shirt that says, Santa has elves, you have me!, asks me a question that requires a call to Cliff for an answer. I use my cell phone which I received from Cliff as a hand-me-down when he got an iPhone. Now you have the background.
As things pass down, I get Cliff's phone. Henry gets my phone. I should mention here that my cell phone looks fabulously throughout our home...until it becomes Henry's phone. Then it no longer works!! A-mazing!!
Today, Henry sits in the living room and I walk by and see that he is on my computer. I have a strange urge to race over and rip it from his hands. I come to my senses...think that I am being over-protective of an electronic object. I quell my fears and go and take a bath.
Then I hear the dreaded..."There is something wrong with your computer." It is an Apple....there is NEVER anything wrong with my computer (except for a problem battery). "What's wrong?" I ask. It doesn't go on anymore.
He was right.
It does not go on anymore.
It makes no noise.
It has no lights.
It has flatlined.
You will be able to reach me at 10:45 tomorrow morning at the Genius Bar in Fashion Valley on my iPhone.
Do you think that he has the ability to suck the life out of all electronic devices--I am in the Twilight on this one.
We have an electronic "hand-me-down" you were back the youngest of 23 children. I find it ironic, that I will be in the Apple store getting "my" MacBook fixed. The MacBook that was Cliff's until he got a MacBook Pro. Then it became mine. The nice little Apple Genius guy wearing a t-shirt that says, Santa has elves, you have me!, asks me a question that requires a call to Cliff for an answer. I use my cell phone which I received from Cliff as a hand-me-down when he got an iPhone. Now you have the background.
As things pass down, I get Cliff's phone. Henry gets my phone. I should mention here that my cell phone looks fabulously throughout our home...until it becomes Henry's phone. Then it no longer works!! A-mazing!!
Today, Henry sits in the living room and I walk by and see that he is on my computer. I have a strange urge to race over and rip it from his hands. I come to my senses...think that I am being over-protective of an electronic object. I quell my fears and go and take a bath.
Then I hear the dreaded..."There is something wrong with your computer." It is an Apple....there is NEVER anything wrong with my computer (except for a problem battery). "What's wrong?" I ask. It doesn't go on anymore.
He was right.
It does not go on anymore.
It makes no noise.
It has no lights.
It has flatlined.
You will be able to reach me at 10:45 tomorrow morning at the Genius Bar in Fashion Valley on my iPhone.
Do you think that he has the ability to suck the life out of all electronic devices--I am in the Twilight on this one.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Good things come in small packages...we hear that all the time. The relevancy of the statement sometimes escapes me...but, this week I truly understand.
Yesterday I got a teeny tiny box from our daughter, Katie. She owns a Specialty Advertising Company...HSA ENTERPRISES. Specialty Advertising is anything with the logo on it that companies prefer you take, spreading their name throughout the community. So I suppose it could be said that she promotes "sticky fingers"--How many pens do we all have with Marriott on them??
Well, I opened my teeny tiny box and had a plethora of items in much fun I could hardly stand it!!

A RED mousepad with wrist guard....How perfect is that. A GREEN stapler (mini--like the box). A WHITE mini speaker set. A BLUE pillbox (and I just this minute realized that there is another pillbox missing from this picture (did not want anyone to think that Katie was stingy!!). Last, but not least, the Piece de Resistance...

Yesterday I got a teeny tiny box from our daughter, Katie. She owns a Specialty Advertising Company...HSA ENTERPRISES. Specialty Advertising is anything with the logo on it that companies prefer you take, spreading their name throughout the community. So I suppose it could be said that she promotes "sticky fingers"--How many pens do we all have with Marriott on them??
Well, I opened my teeny tiny box and had a plethora of items in much fun I could hardly stand it!!
A RED mousepad with wrist guard....How perfect is that. A GREEN stapler (mini--like the box). A WHITE mini speaker set. A BLUE pillbox (and I just this minute realized that there is another pillbox missing from this picture (did not want anyone to think that Katie was stingy!!). Last, but not least, the Piece de Resistance...

A WHITE Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center

I know you are laughing....but this is something that I have been coveting for quite some time.
It was the second best gift I got all week.
The best gift also came in a small be exact 5 5/8 x 3 1/2 x 2 1/4. Those are the precise dimensions of an iPhone box.
To all of those gift givers.....hugs and kisses... from
It was the second best gift I got all week.
The best gift also came in a small be exact 5 5/8 x 3 1/2 x 2 1/4. Those are the precise dimensions of an iPhone box.
To all of those gift givers.....hugs and kisses... from
Sunday, March 15, 2009
We were at a meeting at work today, and someone answered the phone and said, "Oh, Rob (ert)." Which began a conversation around the table and she ended up doing her impression of Laura Petrie saying the classic line: "Oh, Rob!"
I then went to eat with one of the "kids", who asked me what in the world that was all about. I said, "That was what Laura Petrie always said on the Dick Van Dyke show." She then asked who Dick Van Dyke was...and pronounced that a TV show like that would never make it on the TV today. I did not have the heart to tell her that very little is different, and very little is better.
The Dick Van Dyke Show ran from 1961 through 1966 and was a classic. It was the story of a writer (DVD as Rob Petrie) for a comedy show. He lived with his wife (MTM as Laura Petrie) and their son. They lived next to their neighbors a Dentist and his wife, and worked with Morey Amsterdam and Rose Marie as the other two writers on the show.
I then spend most of the night searching youtube for the words "Oh, Rob" and I have to say I am defeated...but I am adding a video so that everyone can either get a taste for...or take a walk down memory lane...enjoy!
Tomorrow I will try to find her saying "Mr. Grant."
I then went to eat with one of the "kids", who asked me what in the world that was all about. I said, "That was what Laura Petrie always said on the Dick Van Dyke show." She then asked who Dick Van Dyke was...and pronounced that a TV show like that would never make it on the TV today. I did not have the heart to tell her that very little is different, and very little is better.
The Dick Van Dyke Show ran from 1961 through 1966 and was a classic. It was the story of a writer (DVD as Rob Petrie) for a comedy show. He lived with his wife (MTM as Laura Petrie) and their son. They lived next to their neighbors a Dentist and his wife, and worked with Morey Amsterdam and Rose Marie as the other two writers on the show.
I then spend most of the night searching youtube for the words "Oh, Rob" and I have to say I am defeated...but I am adding a video so that everyone can either get a taste for...or take a walk down memory lane...enjoy!
Tomorrow I will try to find her saying "Mr. Grant."
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I am going to get a refill of Diet Coke--Hen and I were sharing (frugal lives) at Panera Bread this evening and as I walked by these three women talking I heard one of them say...No No No that's Tyler Perry with Aerosmith I love him. All the way to the back I kept mulling this I passed them again, I said...OK let's get this straight..
Steve Perry is with Journey (how I loved see the resemblance to Henry, right??)
Steven Tyler is with Aerosmith---incidentally ladies one of my friends told me he sent his assistant into her store to get DK control top panty hose to keep everything "tight" under the spandex--guess that would make her his "ass"istant.
and Tyler Perry is a Movie Director Producer Actor....Jack (or Tyler) of all trades.
OK...I said it quickly:
Steve Perry is with Journey (how I loved see the resemblance to Henry, right??)
Steven Tyler is with Aerosmith---incidentally ladies one of my friends told me he sent his assistant into her store to get DK control top panty hose to keep everything "tight" under the spandex--guess that would make her his "ass"istant.
and Tyler Perry is a Movie Director Producer Actor....Jack (or Tyler) of all trades.
OK...I said it quickly:
Steve Perry/Journey
Steven Tyler/Aerosmith
Tyler Perry/Mogul
Steven Tyler/Aerosmith
Tyler Perry/Mogul
They said they liked my earrings.
I said Bloomingdale's.
There it is, in a nutshell!!
I said Bloomingdale's.
There it is, in a nutshell!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
After his prolonged--three week--stay in detention (Snug Pet Resort for Dogs), Denny Crane has returned. A quieter, gentler Denny Crane. For a moment, he had followed in the footsteps of his namesake and turned into a mostly insane person with "Mad Cow"--you have to watch Boston Legal to get this reference.
Now mind you this was the Canyon Ranch of Dog Training (he even lost 4 pounds)....just ask LT to take you on a tour
He had workouts with Private Trainers
He swam laps!!
...and he came home a kindler, gentler, Denny Crane.

even Mac was excited once he got off her pillow!! (She looks excited doesn't she)
Now mind you this was the Canyon Ranch of Dog Training (he even lost 4 pounds)....just ask LT to take you on a tour

even Mac was excited once he got off her pillow!! (She looks excited doesn't she)

Monday, March 9, 2009
This is one of those....oh, I wish I still had...

just one of these Barbie's (Jonathan Adler in the pix...sorry Katie)....btw they do not look as good when you decide to wash their hair and find out that under the cute pony tail they were glued and bald...I loved my Barbie...until the hair incident.
I could sell her for a small fortune on ebay!

just one of these Barbie's (Jonathan Adler in the pix...sorry Katie)....btw they do not look as good when you decide to wash their hair and find out that under the cute pony tail they were glued and bald...I loved my Barbie...until the hair incident.
I could sell her for a small fortune on ebay!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Just thought that I would let everyone know that I am taking a Facebook break. You will have to keep in touch with me via email, blogs, cell phones, landlines, or, in person.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A wise person at work said to me today:
"Everyone is a star, some just shine much brighter than others."
"Everyone is a star, some just shine much brighter than others."
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Today was the day for new carpeting...excitement abounds. Even MacKenzie looks exciting!!
First paint...then carpet. Clearly a new choice for me...shades of brown. Yikes! Aliens might have taken over my body!!! The world of Conservative Cathi begins.
Now the reorganization of furniture....begins. I made this brilliant decision to move the bookshelves from the living room up the stairs to the second floor landing. Perfect.
All of this is dependent upon the largess of the nice men doing the carpet. Will they carry the very heavy bookshelves upstairs. Henry bought them lunch, schmoozed them a little and offered them $20 to carry the units upstairs. I gave him $40 thinking $20 each....nope frugal Henry gave them $20, but they seemed happy.
So, I begin moving the books that are all over everywhere upstairs, only to realize that the shelving was sideways. SIDEWAYS!! Please note the little feet on the right hand side...
Of course, this became my fault. Henry helped them carry the bookshelves upstairs....he needed me to supervise to make sure that they were not sideways.
Please keep in mind that when on their side...not only are their little feet out to the side, but they are not even the same height.
Now they are upstairs. They are heavy. They need to be rotated. To rotate we need higher ceilings. Now I need to find someone able to rotate heavy shelving.
But fault. The power of observation is a wonderful thing!! But the house is looking good!!
First paint...then carpet. Clearly a new choice for me...shades of brown. Yikes! Aliens might have taken over my body!!! The world of Conservative Cathi begins.
Now the reorganization of furniture....begins. I made this brilliant decision to move the bookshelves from the living room up the stairs to the second floor landing. Perfect.
All of this is dependent upon the largess of the nice men doing the carpet. Will they carry the very heavy bookshelves upstairs. Henry bought them lunch, schmoozed them a little and offered them $20 to carry the units upstairs. I gave him $40 thinking $20 each....nope frugal Henry gave them $20, but they seemed happy.
So, I begin moving the books that are all over everywhere upstairs, only to realize that the shelving was sideways. SIDEWAYS!! Please note the little feet on the right hand side...
Of course, this became my fault. Henry helped them carry the bookshelves upstairs....he needed me to supervise to make sure that they were not sideways.
Please keep in mind that when on their side...not only are their little feet out to the side, but they are not even the same height.
Now they are upstairs. They are heavy. They need to be rotated. To rotate we need higher ceilings. Now I need to find someone able to rotate heavy shelving.
But fault. The power of observation is a wonderful thing!! But the house is looking good!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
This is a truly frugal moment. I am sooooo excited. Henry came home from the dry cleaner the other day with a surprise. Something I dropped off there in June of 2008. He said....I cannot believe that you do not miss this. I said what is it? "A black suit?" Seriously, how would I even know???
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