Friday, November 20, 2009


Peek... aren't you curious?
is a cute, childrens store chain with, just my opinion, the worst name in the history of chain stores anywhere. Seriously, can you imagine answering the phone:

"Peek, aren't you curious? This is Cathi, how may I assist you?"

Shoot me now!

At any rate, I am walking by the store today and they are doing their Holiday windows. Quote's are covering the windows...the first one said something about wanting a gun and the mother answers you may shoot yourself. I thought that was a bit odd...

...then I came upon the, again, in my opinion, worst, most inappropriate thing I have seen put on a window.

"Roses are reddish
Violets are blueish
If it weren't for Christmas
We would all be Jewish___Benny Hill"

Am I nuts, or is this seriously inappropriate,

for a holiday window,

in a childrens store

You tell me...sometimes I do overreact...

Thursday, November 19, 2009


This all began with TeaNY, which is a restaurant and tea shop in New York. OK, it used to be a restaurant and tea shop in New York, they had a "small fire" and now it is an on-line tea store, offering 98 different kinds of loose tea (and some really cute teapots).
Now, Teany is/was owned by Moby, who is a singer/songwriter (although I have no idea what he has done...except owned Teany. I have decided that he has a nice face and likes tea, so I like him. He also likes strange little robots, which I think are adorable.

So on to the sandwich. There is also a Teany book...not tiny, just teany. The book is totally fascinating. Recipes are interspersed with stories, romance, cartoons. It is great!

So I am reading through the book, quite fascinated and I get to a page that says.....and I quote:
"You do not know this yet, but you bought this book for this recipe. In fact, your parents had you so that you could one day try this sandwich. If you ake this sandwich, your lif will be richer, more fulfilling, and this world will be an all-around more pleasant place for you to be."

Come on now....what a build up!! I was off yesterday so I went off to Whole Foods and bought the goodies to make this easy-peasy and delicious (I might add) sandwich.

Here is the recipe for the Pan Bagna so that you can try it:

Assemble the following:
  • Ciabatta bread sliced long way
  • Olive tapenade
  • Sliced Tomatoes
  • Finely chopped red onion
  • Jar of Yellow peppers
  • Salt/Pepper
  • Arugula (or Spinach)
  • Fresh Basil
  • Balsalmic Vinegar
  • Olive Oil
Smash sandwich down and wrap in Saran Wrap for at least an hour and at the most a day.

Henry will not, absolutely not, believe that I made the sandwich. I find that annoying. The sandwich was delicious and I made it!!!