Sunday, June 5, 2011


It was a gorgeous day in San Diego.  Today was the Rock and Roll Marathon and half marathon.  The day that Henry has been training for religiously mile after mile after mile after mile....I believe he has run 450 miles during the past year or six months (that felt like a year). 
 Clifford and I arrived at Fashion Valley and began our walk to the 163 highway to find Betsy.  This is Friars Road in front of Bloomingdale's.
 This is the on ramp to the 163 South Bound.
 This is the 163...and we are walking on it.
 Very, very cool!!
 I managed to find this horn at the Dollar Tree for (that's right) a $1.   It was orange...what more could I ask for???
 Betsy used her incredible skills at coaching, along with the orange horn and a cow bell to cheer her mentees from Team in Training on to victory--which in this case means finishing the marathon.

Betsy even managed to raise her coaching skill set to a higher level....the divide of the 163.

We watched thousands, and thousands of runners go by:  the Running Elvis', the TuTu Cute people (men and women in tutus of all makes and models), the British Palace Guard contingent (not the real ones, obviously, but they had the hats and the jackets), the man in the wrestling mask, and, my fave, was the barefoot, barechested man with the waist length grey hair flying behind him and the torn jeans...but I digress.

Cliff and I waited...and waited...
We awaited the arrival of Henry the Orange.  Suddenly, there he was...I screamed...
 I waved my sign...
 I yelled his name
 I waved my sign
 He was on a mission...
 He did not look up
No, he never did see us.  We were at the 7.1 mile.  Jen was at the 8 mile marker at Bloomingdale's and the band.  He was, as she put it, looking spry!!
Congratulations on a job well done!
13.1 miles!!!!
2 hours 39 minutes!!!!

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