Careening---it is a great word!!
It means "to lurch or swerve while in motion."

I went to YouTube to send a link for this scene. There are so many great scenes.
- The little kids in school talking about what they do now--"I used to be a heroin addict, now I'm a methodone addict."
- Killing the spider and finding the Erno Laszlo black soap.
- La-Di-Da, La-Di-Da, La La
- Christopher Walken talking about driving into the oncoming traffic.
- Marshall McLuhan at the movies--you know nothing of my work...nothing
- The lobsters at the beach house
- The bumper cars
In this case, however, everyone was coming over for the family favorite meal of Black Beans and Rice. This is a perfect family meal, but involves tons of slicing and dicing of every vegetable under the planet. Now, faster than I can say "medium dice", Cliff has unsheathed his Shun and is chopping away.
Again, I digress. When the troops descended, it was unbeknownst to me that Betsy had brought her dog Sierra. A quick turn into the kitchen for me became a flip over the dog and careening to and fro through the kitchen--landing on my not so good left wrist....and come to find middle toe. It is twice it's normal size (not small to begin with) and black and blue. We will tape it to the next one and move on.
Does she look guilty???
Because this picture was taken a long time ago! Maybe it is an anticipatory guilt?
Speaking of accidents, one of my friends rushed her son to the hospital this weekend. He was hurt playing "virutal soccer" on the computer....she just did not realize that he had a "virtual injury" until she had waited to see the doctor at Urgent Care and began describing his pain level at 8.5. It is a new world friends, a Brave New World.
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