Wednesday, January 6, 2010

DIETING TWENTY TEN is January so you know that this must be coming. After my little stint in the hospital in December, it became a little more important to lose weight. But I figured it is the holidays, why worry then. Incentive was definitely many times in a 24 hour period can you tell everyperson walking into your room at all hours that you weigh 183 pounds.

So...I began the process of selecting a "plan" to lose weight. Since I am so overweight the diet should be a punishment of sorts...right. I selected The Ultra Simple Diet by Dr. Mark of UltraMetabolism.
On page 96 of the book it says: "Ask yourself if there is something wrong with your lifestyle that doesn't allow you to make a few simple healthy choices for one week." OK! I figure I can do anything for one week.

Here is Day One:
  • Wake up 90-120 minutes before you need to leave the house
  • Upon Waking have 2 tablespoons organic, EVOO mixed with the juice of 1/2 of an organic lemon...drink to flush the toxins from your bile and liver into your gut to be excreted (I am not making this up)
  • 1 tsp buffered ascorbic acid powder in 8 ox of water
  • 20-60 minutes of yoga
  • 20 minutes of journaling
  • Breakfast is lemon juice from 1/2 lemon and hot water
  • 1 cup of green tea
  • 2 capsules of probiotics
  • 2 capsules of liver supportive herbs
  • UltraShake (trust me you do not want to know)
  • If no bowel movement by 10AM take herbal laxative
  • Morning Snack (10-11AM) 1 Cup UltraBroth (Vegetable Broth)
  • Lunch (12-1) 2 capsules of Magnesium citrate
  • 2 cups of sauteed veggies
  • 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
  • 1/2 cup fruit or berries
  • Afternoon Snack (2-3AM) 1 Cup UltraBroth
  • Before Dinner 30 minute walk
  • Sauna
  • 20 minutes of yoga
  • Dinner 2 capsules of probiotics before eating
  • 2 capsules of liver detox herbs
  • 2 cups steamed veggies
  • 1/2 cup brown rice
  • 4-6 ounces of fish or chicken
  • 1 cup UltraBroth
  • Bedtime--20 minutes Yoga
  • 20 Minutes journaling
  • Herbal Laxative
  • 2 capsules of magnesium citrate
  • 20 minute UltraBath (this part I can do)
So, for some reason (use your imagination) I could just never get started.....heck, half of the things I could not even figure out where to get them. I knew I would never make it through a full week with the above diet. No artificial sweeteners (would just make you want sweet things).

This made me even more depressed, probably up to 185 by now.

Then I began reading Diet Reviews. There were a bunch of positive reviews for the Harley Pasternak 5-Factor Diet. I remembered that I thought that I had the book....I remembered seeing it in my last diet blog. I ran upstairs (count 1 minute of exercise) got the book and began to read.

Although I own the book, I had not read it. It was a purchase that I did not get back in time to B&N to return.

The purpose of the is 5 meals a day, 5 ingredients per recipe, 5 minute prep time. He believes in caffeine, ice water, Splenda, Diet Coke, frozen veggies, and frozen fruits. Here is the important part....he only thinks that you should diet 6 days a week....on the 7th eat what you want!!

So tomorrow the quest begins....lose weight....I will keep you up on my progress. It is all good news. If I have progress I will lose weight. If I regress I will be eligible for gastric bypass or at the very least a lapband.

So it begins my scale I weight 175, so that is what we are going to go by.

Wish me luck...I will be hanging with Harley. Yum-o.

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