I used to think that it was bad that Henry and I would sit in opposite rooms in the house and play
gin rummy with each other online because we were too lazy to sit at a table and shuffle the cards, deal the cards, and write the score down. It seemed a little odd. Had we really sunk this far into the technology era that it seemed the most prudent thing to do.
Actually, noone will play games of any kind--OK, I am a little competitive, I admit. It does not bother me to lose over and over again, because I know that eventually I will never lose. I played Gin with Henry for years before the tide turned and I would win all of the time...then he would not play with me anymore. Now even in other rooms I hear him screaming. Now he will not even computer play with me any more.
I also never believed in letting children win because they were children. My parents did not let me win...maybe that is what made me so determined to win. Cliff would sit and play Scrabble for hours with me, and never win; but he would play. One of the biggest moments of parental pride was when he said "all those years of losing to you makes me seem like a genius when I play at college." See you can pass it on.
One of my favorite games of all time is Tile Rummy or Rummikub. It is super Rummy with tiles....mmmm what fun! The only time I would get to play is when Mark and Katie would come and visit and Mark and I would play for hours. Playing tile rummy is like a dying art, but the good news is I found a place on-line that is only Rummikub...I play for hours now with people from China and Finland. I love it!!
Back to the height of laziness--focus, Cathi. Henry and I actually just Skyped each other to speak in different rooms over the computer because neither one of us would get up to walk into the other room. Seriously, we wonder why I am overweight.
My drink choice year round is Iced Tea. When we moved to Massachusetts we were shocked to find that they considered it a seasonal item and most restaurants only served it in the summer--forget about Iced Coffee you had no shot at that. They seemed to think that it was fine that you would have Cokes with ice--but tea, no way.
I was just making a new pot of Iced Tea using my sister's recipe. She made the best iced tea on the face of the earth. Every time I have iced tea I think of her. I decided to share the recipe here--it is all in the timing.
It begins with Tetley tea British blend. These are adorable round teabags easily ground up in the disposal. You will need four teabags.

You need a four cup pyrex measuring container. Add four cups of water (I use tap for this part, but our tap tastes good) and then four little round teabags.
Place this in your microwave (this is mine above) on HIGH for FIVE minutes exactly!! Not seven or four--FIVE!!
When the microwave goes off set your timer for TEN minutes to steep!! Ten minutes, not eleven, or eight.

I like mine a little sweet so in my 2.1 quart Flip-Spout Acrylic Styrene Pitcher (which I get at the container store), I put exactly six sweet and low packets. These pitchers are narrow--I am mad for them. They are $9.99 in Acrylic, and $6.99 in a Polycarb version.When the timer rings, I remove the teabags and dispose of them. Then I pour the tea into the Pitcher. Then fill the Pyrex with four cups of filtered water, and add it to your pitcher.
It chills overnight, and voila! Tres facile--perfect iced tea in any weather. Sometimes I will think about it while driving home from work--then face disappointment if Henry has drunk my tea.
I have two pitchers (actually three). Two for me--the heir and a spare, and one for whatever Henry wants to drink.
A recap is four cups of water, four teabags, five minutes, six sweet and lows, and ten minutes to steep, four more cups of water.
How Martha of me.