I was just making a new pot of Iced Tea using my sister's recipe. She made the best iced tea on the face of the earth. Every time I have iced tea I think of her. I decided to share the recipe here--it is all in the timing.
It begins with Tetley tea British blend. These are adorable round teabags easily ground up in the disposal. You will need four teabags.
You need a four cup pyrex measuring container. Add four cups of water (I use tap for this part, but our tap tastes good) and then four little round teabags.
When the microwave goes off set your timer for TEN minutes to steep!! Ten minutes, not eleven, or eight.

I like mine a little sweet so in my 2.1 quart Flip-Spout Acrylic Styrene Pitcher (which I get at the container store), I put exactly six sweet and low packets. These pitchers are narrow--I am mad for them. They are $9.99 in Acrylic, and $6.99 in a Polycarb version.
When the timer rings, I remove the teabags and dispose of them. Then I pour the tea into the Pitcher. Then fill the Pyrex with four cups of filtered water, and add it to your pitcher.
It chills overnight, and voila! Tres facile--perfect iced tea in any weather. Sometimes I will think about it while driving home from work--then face disappointment if Henry has drunk my tea.
I have two pitchers (actually three). Two for me--the heir and a spare, and one for whatever Henry wants to drink.
A recap is four cups of water, four teabags, five minutes, six sweet and lows, and ten minutes to steep, four more cups of water.
How Martha of me.
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