When I got my first Prius half the fun was watching people try to figure it out. How many people would it take to get the car through the car wash. Explaining to the valet guy how to move the car. Loaning your husband the car and then walking away with the keys leaving him stranded a mile down the road.
So....Saturday evening in the pouring rain I went grocery shopping at Albertson's.
I walked out to the car with my groceries. As I walked up I thought it was odd that I had forgotten to lock the car. I saw Henry's rainsuit in the back and wondered why he had put it in there. I am madly tossing all the bags into the back of the car when a voice calmly says: "This isn't your car!"
When I quit screaming I looked at the three children and their mother in the car...which was an adorable Silver Prius, parked right next to my adorable Silver Prius.
Five years ago that never would have happened.
Lots of people must thing Frugal is a Four Letter Word.
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