Sunday, May 29, 2011


I went to the movies today with my friend (the nicest person in the world) to see Woody Allen's new work of genius, Midnight in Paris.  Great movie--not the point.

We get to the movie before the theater is open. We are the second people in line to get popcorn (best popcorn in the city by the way).

We are the 7th and 8th person in the theater.

We carefully select our seats (best popcorn/worst seats) and settle down to await the film.

Two people come in and shuffle by us to sit one seat away, even though the row and the theater is empty they make us get up to let them by.  Deep breath.

In come two men who, of all the seats in all the theater, decide to sit right in front of me.  My friend and I look at each other and decide to move to the right seat.  We apologize to the people behind us, who say--can you believe they just did that.

We now have three empty seats to the left of us and two seats and the aisle to the right.

At this point, the theater is about 80% empty.

My friend has her jacket and handbag on the seat next to her, and I have my handbag on the seat next to me.

In come a couple, shuffle by us, and instead of sitting in the two empty seats, they sit in the seat next to me making me move my handbag (which involves a lot of strap unwrapping).

I hand my friend my handbag.

The movie has now begun.

Yup, in come two people and say to my friend (the nicest person in the world). 

Are these seats taken? The theater is full!!

I think (I HOPE?) I heard the nicest person in the world say--
NO, IT REALLY ISN'T FULL! she moves her handbag, my handbag, and jacket.

Did I mention that the movie was good? 

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Henry and I decided we would drive to Chico for Cliff's graduation.  For those of you unfamiliar with California....this is a LONG trip. 

This is me with my parents--my sister is the shadow in the lower left corner.  During my sister's era of childhood my father owned a trucking company.  We are talking big rigs that hauled double trailers (called tandems).    I joked with Henry that we would always plan to leave at seven AM and then my dad would wake me up at 3AM and say, let's go, there will be less traffic now.  Henry calls me at work, and says, "Guess what?? We are leaving tonight!" 

Then:  you left at 3AM because there was no traffic...and you could drive long enough to get gas when gas stations opened at 7AM. 

Now:  You leave at 7:30 PM and still get stuck in an hour traffic jam in LA at 9:30PM--adds new meaning to the car pool lane.  You can fill your gas tank at any time, but it is $4.58 a gallon.

Then:  You pulled into a gas station and three guys rushed out to check your oil, wash your windshield, and fill the tank with gas.

Now:  You get out an pump your own gas (again for $4.58 a gallon).

Then:  There was always a navigator, carefully folding and unfolding the map.  It was key that this person be able to ride and read--CRUCIAL actually.  If you were ritzy, you got a Trip-Tic from AAA and were able to flip the pages one at a time.

Now:  The map on the dash highlights areas that have slow downs, and a voice tells us that the exit is ahead in 2 miles on the left...or my all time favorite "Please make the next legal U-turn).

Then: You would stop at a truck stop and get a great breakfast.  Lunch was exciting because you would be able to get an open faced Turkey Sandwich (yum-o, as Rachel would say), with tons of gravy. 

Now:  There is a line at the drive thru Carl's Jr at 3AM when you stop in to get your Fried Zuchini (it's true folks).

Then:  We would get a 100 miles and my mom would say.  We need to go back, I think I left the iron on, my dad would go back.  The iron was always off.  Once we were moving from Denver to California, we got to California and were unpacking and realized that we were missing the dog.  My dad had to go back 300 miles where we had changed drivers last and found sweet little "Lady" (clever name, I know)--the cocker spaniel waiting patiently for someone to pick her up--I ramble.

Now:  The iron has an auto-off switch.

Then:  There was only radio, and the only radio stations that had a strong signal were Country Western.  You would lean forward in the middle of the front seat (that is correct) and twist the dial a little at a time to fine tune to a station that would last about 10 miles, then you would have to do it over again.

Now:  We have XM radio, combined with my Apple Nano on my wrist as a watch, with bud wires running up my sleeve so I can listen to an Audiobook.

Then:  We looked for Burma Shave signs (waited for them actually) along the side of the road.  Sheer excitement and joy for about 2 miles.

Now:  We watch DVDs in the back seat of the car.

Then:  We played games like license plate Bingo, or "I am driving to California and I am going to take an Acorn, Bulldog, etc.

Now:  Everyone has their own Nintendo DS (including me).

Then:  Clifford, how fast are you going?  There is a cop up ahead!!

Now:  Henry, how fast are you going?  There is a cop up ahead!!

Then:  Are we there yet??

Now:  Are we there yet??

The high point is always the family and friends at the end of your journey. 
The low point is still the journey.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Graduation day was perfection!!
Mommy's little baby has graduated! I never really thought I would have a baby, much less imagine this day.  To say that Henry and I are proud would be an understatement.
 Dinner at 5th Street Steakhouse

Betsy, me, Cliff, Hen, Katie, Judy and Kurt
The weather was not too hot...not too cold.
The gang got him the most fun gift...
 Lots of boxes
 First came the tee shirt (personally, I would say more skill than luck)
 Then the fun began...
 Gift card after
 gift card after
 Gift card.
A gift card for every place he would want to go eat in fave is on the bottom right, idea which card the money is on.  It was a fabulous, thoughtful gift!

Everyone was exhausted...including Kurt, our host!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


This was the best Mother's Day card--it certainly was the most accurate! and it made me laugh!!


Sunday, May 1, 2011


The folks at Shutterfly always make it fun to create treasures--and it took way less than 22 years.

Photo Card
View the entire collection of cards.

The folks at Shutterfly always make it fun to create treasures--and it took way less than 22 years.