Friday, April 29, 2011

60 DAY 1

Technically, I suppose, my actual birthday was yesterday, but since I was sick I am counting today as "one."

So Day One:

I am off to work and stop off at my usual (every day I work) Jack in the Box for my usual (every day I work) Diet Coke.

I decide today I will not buy the usual Extra Large which I do not ever drink but I am in the habit of buying because it is 79 cents at McDonald's...but still order because it is a habit and is over $2.00 at JBox.

I order a medium, which is $1.95.  

Is your order correct on the screen?? says the man.

Yes! I reply driving to the window.

When I get to the window the girl says--that will be $1.40. I think, cool a promotion of some sort.  Then she says did you want catsup, as she hands me my diet coke.  OK, I think maybe she rang up the wrong thing.  I smile, taking the receipt and saying, I gave up Diet Coke and Catsup.

As I look at the receipt, I had a $.50 "Senior Discount."

One day and I am a senior.

The worst part is I look it up on the website and realize that I could have been getting a senior discount at JBox for 5 years since it starts at 55.  This is available at many places KYFry, Arby's, everyone's should just ask.  It is rather embarrassing to be offered the discount.

For those of you anxious to find our where the "dish ran away with the spoon", Henry's Eyeglasses, case, and Cell phone case were laughing the whole week from the garage....where Henry put them when packing the car.

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