Sunday, March 27, 2011


This has been a big year for Henry.

He has lost 68 pounds this year.
He ran 6.8 miles last week.
He has done so many 5Ks I have lost count.
He is in training for a half-marathon.
He still has odd taste in clothes.
What could this year possibly hold for him??
A trip to his new most favorite store in the world...
Perhaps a new pair of running shoes...
 ...where we met Betsy...

Then on to Nozomi for...

 Dinner with Betsy.
 I got him tickets to "MY RUN" a movie about a 57-year old man who ran 75 marathons in 75 days...true story.
Hoping that this will dissuade him from the inevitable...
if I ran 2 I can run 3
If I ran 3 I can run 5
If I ran 5 I can run 10
If I run 10 I can run 13
If I run 13 I can run.....

But his big gift, wowed him incredibly...
he ended his night dreaming of his upcoming


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