The first week was very interesting and our first assignment was to create a "life line" for ourselves. Let's face it in a room full of people ages 18 to 60 some of our life lines are much longer than others. There was no restriction on the projects. They could be three dimensional or line drawings.
Tonight we presented our work and it was quite amazing. Twenty three projects all totally different.
My favorite project was a marvelous sculpture made of copper pipe with a shower head at the top with beads spewing forth (her future), a spigot with nails coming out of it represented the death of her husband.
The astronomer in the group did a fabulous painting on a piece of wood with a telescope attached....very early in her childhood she discovered the meaning of life (a yellow star-like burst that proceeded through the piece)...I am still searching for the meaning.
A girl from Italy did a small book that was utterly charming with a line drawing on different colors of paper to represent her moods. Terrific.
A jewelry designer did all of the phases of her life on acetate so that when you put them together they peeked through her "image" on the front.
A woman from Brazil did a large bell jar with different exhibits was truly wonderful. Half of the exhibits were empty because she was young and had not accomplished anything yet.
One woman did a collection of plastic bottles hooked together that replicated a wave and her life....incredible.
Then there was the woman from France who had to be 50ish who did a series of pictures of her mother with her in the uterus and images of her father like juggling balls around her...and her on a cross below all of this. She is trying to work through the fact that her father was having an affair while her mother was pregnant....did I mention she was 50?? Dear Lord!
Another fabulous work was a book that she had spraypainted all of the pages various colors and had ripped or pulled outward to indicate strife. It was terrif.
This is my piece, not so great, better in person than this picture. The red line on the left represents me, the purple line represents Henry...where we meet is where the shining light that is Clifford streaks out to the left (there is a little red shadowing Cliff, because he is his mother's son, and because it is my painting). Hen and I meander out upper stage right. Perhaps I should have spent longer than an hour on it???
Next week is a really tough project....more later.
You did this in an hour? Fantastic. :)