Donny Deutsch is not the only one capable of coming up with the big BFF, Andrea has come up with the get rich great idea. Since Andrea has been complaining of late about the fact that the pictures that I put on here show her with no eyes or eyebrows, that's right, it is time for another one!!
She is sooooooo excited about her idea--fabulous squirrel feeders, painted a la Mackenzie items just for your squirrels.
Now, I moved to CA from MA so I know that the best accessory for those adorable squirrels would be a target on their back (per the locals in MA).
I remember Henry being so frustrated by the squirrels feeding out of the bird feeder that he wrapped the bird feeder with enough chicken wire that not one single solitary bird or squirrel could feed from it--which is good since we also had no way to get in and re-fill the darn thing!!
Here is Bird Man Mel about attracting squirrels:
I looked up squirrel feeders, and yes there are some cute ones---none as cute as a Mac/Childs inspired one but I thought these had potential for cuteness:

So, Andrea, the get-rich-quick scheme will have to appeal to a wider audience than those people wanting to attract squirrels---back to the drawing board.
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