I spent the day at home watching Tabatha's Salon Takeover

I know that people think that noone actually notices some of these things but as a customer, I was somewhere the other day and the intake vent had so much dust in it I was thoroughly disgusted. I kept thinking that it was going to poof out onto my food.
At any rate, as I was watching show after show after show--all day, remember--I had to admire Tabatha's directness in dealing with problems head on. Realistically, she does leave these places, however, I am sure that she is as demanding on her staff as she is on others.
I loved the episode where she made everyone spit their gum out in her hand...in her hand. One guy said, that is disgusting. She said not as disgusting as the fact that you are chewing it!! She rocks!
I'll be back at work tomorrow and everyone had better watch out!! How do you think my hair will look that color? Hmmm.
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