Friday night we went to the game. It was freezing!!! (definition in Massachusetts 10 below windchill negative 45 degrees/San Diego 50 degrees). That's right -- Freezing!!! I was bundled up in a cashmere sweater, a heavy wool swing coat, and a beautiful Maggie White sweater jacket on top of all of that, scarf. Damn, I wish I had brought my mittens.
The night began with a healthy dinner of 5 for $5. This is the Petco equivalent of a happy meal: hot dog, peanuts, small diet, cookie, and popcorn. Versus a normal meal at Petco of a hotdog for $7.50 and a Diet Coke for $6.
I went to get mustard and relish on my dog, turned around, and Henry has set up an eating station on top of the trash can. "What are you doing?" I ask. He turns around. My eyes grow wide, as I observe the front of him. He has a catsup stain the size of Rhode Island on the front of his nice sweater. EEK!! "What have you done?" He looks down and begins to clean himself off when I point out that his hand is covered in catsup as well. OMG!! I got out the camera--and he requested no paparazzi. Damn!
We get to our seats in the stands (way up in the stands) and the wind begins to swirl, and I begin to purl. The woman next to me leans over and says: "If you would work faster we could be sharing a blanket."
Henry goes to clean up his sweater, which then turned to a frozen patch (I told you it was COLD). I finally convince him to go get hot chocolate, which, of course, is when Adrian Gonzalez hits the home run! Such is life!
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