Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Henry and I spent this past weekend babysitting while the kids went on the cruise to nowhere...yes, it did go somewhere but everywhere it went they could not get off the ship due to weather, hence the trip to NOWHERE.

Being a parent these days is not for the faint of heart...drop off, pick up, tennis, bar mitzvah, Hebrew school, basketball, symphony rehearsal, go to symphony.  I will be updating my LinkedIn account for chauffeur as well as time management.

At one point during the shuffling we were left with the youngest of the two who is having a love affair with chipotle  Being the good CC I said you can go anywhere you want for lunch (knowing we were 200 yards from his fave, chipotle).  He said, I don't want to go to the chipotle by party city.  I said, no problem, which one do you want to go to.  There is one by a peiwei he says, I'll look up peiwei on Google map and away we went.

Henry begins grousing about how far it is, which I thought was funny. It was our two hour time frame between drop offs and pick ups and herewearedriving in the wrong direction.  LOL right.  The little one keeps saying it is much better att this one than the other...that is when we arrive and realize he gets A PLAIN BARBACOA TACO WITH CHEESE.  That's it. I thought Henry's head would explode.

On to the Spooky Symphony which was terrific.  During the intermission they had a costume parade. I am sitting, knitting in hand, thinking to myself, WOW it is so funny that so many kids in Miami dress as Fidel Castro. Then it hits me...DUCK DYNASTY. Am I the only person to notice the similarities?

Really, who knew??