Saturday, November 9, 2013


Most of you reading this blog, remember Allen Funt and his show,'re on candid camera!

Before Ashton Kutcher's Punk'd, we would gather round the TV and belly laugh over some of the hysterical things done on the show...below is one of my favorites, for those of you a little younger the item in question was called a typewriter, you punched the keys and a key swung up and hit the ribbon which hit the paper.  It took alot of skill to hit all of the keys with the same force so that they all looked the same.  If you watch mystery shows from years gone by, you will see them look for a typewriter with a key that is a little off, or they will recreate a letter by looking at the ribbon (impossible). 

OK, this was one of my faves, then there was the bowling alley date...oh, the laughs.

I have not thought of this show in years...until tonight.

Henry and I went to visit a new Vitamin Store, one of his favorite places (although he does not believe in vitamins).

I am wandering around looking at everything, when I spotted the lotion section...and we know I love lotions of all types.  I check them all out and make the decision of which one I will try.  I put my hand under the pump and pressed down--as I watched the bottle projectile spew a giant stream of lotion directly into my crotch.

I did not move. I actually looked up at the ceiling for the camera and Allen's voice saying


I'm baaaaaccck!