I am now an addict. These people sneak around the inside of your phone promising you a few minutes of fun during your daily grind. The next thing you know you have 20 games going (the limit--thank God) with people you know or don't know. It becomes your only way to stay in touch. My husband and I would never play scrabble together, but we sit in chairs next to each other in front of the TV and play Word with Friends all night.
My husband's handle is Always72. The last time had a handle was on his CB in the 80's and it was the cockroach...what's up good buddy?? I digress, sorry. We are sitting in our respective chairs, and he is seemingly playing without touching his phone. I would play and then by magic, he would play a word. Finally I realized that i had started a game with Always 72 (with a space). Yikes!! I told him and then he Always72 faced off with Always 72. I, of course, am Parkwaysmom doubt that there is a Parkwayspop out there but it is possible.
I have been playing nonstop for four years with HEYRNULD. After three years I found out we lived within miles of each other.
I play with the person who sat next to me at the Padres game. We quit watching the game and just began sitting and playing.
Then we moved into Hanging with Friends
Then Scramble with Friends
Then how to cheat at all of these games.....then, when your friends aren't good enough. You can play with your buddies...

I have to say that their programs seem to be more addicting than most.

Then you get to the all time fave Jewels with Buddies. This is bejeweled with people. When I got up this morning I have 58 games where the ball is in my court. 58 games--made worse by the fact that I only play with a person by the name of Tavo. That is right, 58 games with one person--TAVO. This game I never win...never. Yet I continue to play and he/she continues to play.
When you count all the games that I play it is not unusual for me to have just under 200 matches waiting to be played. When you go to dinner you can look around and see people playing games rather than talking with their friends, etc. Seriously people!!!!
It is time to step back and take a break. I am stepping away. If I play with you, I am through....if I try to play with you remind me that I am through.
Although, while doing research on this blog I found out that they have released Matching with Friends....maybe I could try it just once.....