Peek... aren't you curious?
is a cute, childrens store chain with, just my opinion, the worst name in the history of chain stores anywhere. Seriously, can you imagine answering the phone:
"Peek, aren't you curious? This is Cathi, how may I assist you?"
Shoot me now!
At any rate, I am walking by the store today and they are doing their Holiday windows. Quote's are covering the windows...the first one said something about wanting a gun and the mother answers you may shoot yourself. I thought that was a bit odd...
...then I came upon the, again, in my opinion, worst, most inappropriate thing I have seen put on a window.
"Roses are reddish
Violets are blueish
If it weren't for Christmas
We would all be Jewish___Benny Hill"
Am I nuts, or is this seriously inappropriate,
for a holiday window,
in a childrens store
You tell me...sometimes I do overreact...